If you use LLC to receive your mortgage instructions and have correctly set up your Portal credentials you can import the instructions & associated information into a new or existing RealtiWeb file using the LDD Inbox.
To initiate the import, log in to RealtiWeb Ontario first. Once you have logged in successfully, the Main screen will load. On the left side of the screen, you will see the Inbox section.
To open the Inbox, press Open. A pop-up screen will appear displaying any of the New items received in your Inbox. You can view Mortgage Instructions only by clicking on the relevant radio button at the top of the pop-up window.
If you have received a notification from LLC that your instructions have been delivered, you should see them in this list. To import the instructions into your RealtiWeb file, click on them. A new pop-up screen will appear showing a summary of the transaction along with any remarks from the lender. In the top right corner of the pop-up screen, you will see two blue buttons: Accept & Import and Decline.
If you select Decline, you will be prompted to input a reason for declining the mortgage instructions.
If you select Accept & Import, a pop-up screen will appear showing all of your files. To import to an existing file, select a file from the list. To import the information into a new file, click on the Import to New File button in the top-right corner of the screen. Once you select a file, you will be prompted to indicate which of the following pieces of information you would like to import into your file:
Postponement of Mortgage
Remaining On Title