Setup for Realti/PCLaw Integration

Setup for Realti/PCLaw Integration

If you're planning to use the PCLaw integration in Realti, you'll need to follow the below steps to setup your computer.
  1. Check to see if there is a folder on your computer called Realti on the local C:\ drive. If you don't have access to this drive, create a folder elsewhere and remember it for a later step.
  2. In PCLaw, if you're using the PCLaw Favourites Desktop, add the Cost Recovery icon to the PCLaw Desktop. To do so, right click on the desktop: Click Add Button > File > Cost Recovery. Your PCLaw Favourites Desktop will acquire the Cost Recovery icon. Note: If you do not wish to use the Favourites desktop, you can skip this step.
  3. Print off a list of Explanation Codes for reference when setting up your disbursement codes in Realti. Access this list of codes in PCLaw by selecting Options > Lists > Explanation Codes. This will come in handy when setting up your G/L information in Realti. Note: The Tax Status doesn’t show on the list of disbursement codes in PCLaw. You will need to open each code that’s a disbursement to note the Tax Status and Special Fee status: Y, N, or B.
  4. Find the location of your Statdata folder (in a later step, you'll need to copy the two Cost Recovery Layout (CRL) files to this folder).
    1. Click Help > About PCLaw
    2. In this screen, hold CTRL + SHIFT and click the Tech Support button
    3. You'll now see a screen showing PCLaw program directories. Note the location of the StatData folder.
  5. Complete the Realti setup in your Firm Settings to export files to PCLaw. This step consists of entering your PCLaw G/L Code and Explanation Code information into Realti using the list generated in step 3, and specifying which items to send to PCLaw.

Setup G/L in Firm Settings

This is a one-time setup in your Firm Settings to export files to PCLaw.

Log into Realti, navigate to Firm Settings: Tools > Firm Settings. Then, expand the Statement of Account Defaults.
At the top of the Statement of Account Defaults section, you’ll see prompts for certain information. This should be done first.
  1. Enable PCLaw Export: Click here to turn on the PCLaw Export feature for use with your Realti files. 
  2. Enable Append in PCLaw Export: Allows you to send more than one file to the data files for export.
  3. PCLaw Export File Location: Specify the location where your export files will be kept. The  default is C:\Realti, but if you have modified this, type in the correct location to match the folder you created in Step A.
  4. Download Both Cost Recovery Layout Files: Click on the Cost Recovery Disbursement File and then the Cost Recovery Fee File to download them. Copy those downloaded files to the folder in Step D. 
Next, enter default PCLaw settings for each type of real estate transaction for disbursements: Purchase Disbursements, Sale Disbursements, and Mortgage Disbursements. Each must be configured separately.

On the right side of the screen, note the PCLaw, Expl., and G/L# headings.
Using your printout from Step 3 (G/L numbers and Explanation Codes), complete the following information:
  1. In the PCLaw column, indicate for each disbursement whether that item should be exported to PCLaw as a default.
  2. In the Expl. Column, indicate the Explanation code or “Nickname” for each disbursement for PCLaw.
  3. In the G/L # column, enter the G/L#’s for those disbursements as set up in PCLaw. Note that the codes must be exactly as they are in PCLaw for a successful import into PCLaw. 
For additional items showing in the Statement of Account Defaults which may automatically come into your Realti Statement of Account, such as Title Insurance Fees, Title Search Fees, etc., do the following:
  1. Under Incl, if you haven’t already, indicate whether you want each disbursement to automatically appear in your Statement of Account
  2. Under PCLaw, indicate whether each disbursement should get sent to PCLaw, and then enter the corresponding explanation code (Expl.) and G/L # for each as they are set up in PCLaw. 
For additional disbursement items that you may choose from a dropdown in your Realti Statement of Account, indicate whether they should automatically be included in the PCLaw export and the Explanation Code and G/L # for each one (note that all of these defaults can be overwritten on the individual file level). Any additional disbursements you may sometimes add to your disbursement in a Statement of Account should also be entered here. 
InfoAlertNote: If you amend or create new codes in PCLaw, you may want to update the codes entered in Firm Settings.

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