CosmoLex Integration Setup

CosmoLex Integration Setup

The Realti - CosmoLex Integrations allows for the exporting of your Realti file disbursements into CosmoLex. Your main fees associated with your Realti file are not exported.

On your Computer

Step A

Ensure that there is a folder called Realti for your export file on your local C:\ drive at the root. (If you don’t have access to this drive, create a folder elsewhere for this purpose and remember this for a later step).
AlertNote: If you require assistance with setup, call LDD Support at 800 363-2253.

In Realti – Configure Statement of Account Items in Firm Settings

Step B

Enable the CosmoLex export in Firm Settings in Realti to export the expense file to CosmoLex. 

Once logged into Realti, navigate to Firm Settings: Tools> Firm Settings. Then Expand the Statement of Account Defaults.

At the top of the Statement of Account Defaults section, click Enable CosmoLex Export.
Only one export option can be active at a time. For example, you cannot have PCLaw Export active at the same time as CosmoLex Export.
AlertNote: Changes made to your Statement of Account Defaults will only effect NEW files created after saving your changes. Existing files will not contain any updates.

For additional items showing in the Statement of Account Defaults which may automatically come into your Realti Statement of Account, such as Title Insurance Fees, Title Search Fees, etc., do the following:
  1. Under Include in Account, if you haven’t already, indicate whether you want each disbursement to automatically appear in your Statement of Account.
  2. Under CosmoLex, indicate whether each disbursement should get sent to CosmoLex. 
For additional disbursement items that you may choose from a dropdown in your Realti Statement of Account, indicate whether they should automatically be included in the CosmoLex.
AlertNote: All of these defaults can be overwritten on the individual file level.
Any additional disbursements that you may occasionally add to your disbursements in a Statement of Account, should also be entered here.

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