This article provides information on LTSA title searching and importing on RealtiWeb BC.
Accessing LTSA Title Search Feature on RealtiWeb
To begin, open your file in RealtiWeb.
- On the Basic screen, you’ll see the Title
Search section with four options:
- LTSA: This is the enhanced integration for LTSA title searches.
- Archived Searches: Use this to view searches performed under the old
LTSA integration.
- Indian Land: To import searches performed on the Indian Lands Registry
System (ILRS) website, click the view button and follow the onscreen
- Manufactured Home: To import searches performed in BC Manufactured Home
Online, click the view button and follow the onscreen instructions.
- Click the view button below LTSA to open the Title
Search screen.
Note: To view searches performed under the old LTSA integration,
select Archived Searches.
Title Search Screen
Our search interface lets you run searches and view previous search
results for:
- Title Searches
- Strata Plan Searches
- Parcel Information
- Pending App - Pending Applications
- Docs/Plans - Documents and Plans
- STC - State of Title Certificates
By default, each tab opens a new search screen where you
can run a new search. If you have any previous searches, your latest result
will be displayed. You can run a search by clicking the +New Search link in the left-hand column.
Note: The Strata
Plan Searches tab only appears when you have indicated Strata as the
property type in your file.
Entering your myLTSA
You can
enter your myLTSA credentials each time you do a search, or you can choose to
save them in your profile by going to Tools > User Settings > 3rd
Party Account Information. Enter your credentials and click on the piggy
bank to save to your profile.
To perform a title search, follow these simple steps:
- Update your File Reference (optional).
- You can run a title search by:
- Selecting
a PID from your file;
- Entering
a new PID not on your file; or
- Entering
a Title No.
- After selecting a PID or entering the appropriate information,
click Search.
You can perform subsequent searches by clicking on the +New Search link about the Previous Searches panel on the left.
Note: After performing the search, a charge will appear on your LTSA account.
Viewing Results
After clicking on Search, you will see the Summary results
where you will confirm the title to search and whether you want to include
cancelled charges. After you click on the blue Search link, the title
search results will be displayed. For convenience, the
screen displays any Vendors and Property Addresses you’ve
previously entered into your RealtiWeb file. LTSA provides a PDF of the result
which can be viewed by clicking the View PDF button.
Note: You can
view the results of Previous Searches in the panel to the left of the
screen. This panel displays the most recent search result at the top, showing
the PID # in bold and the Title # and date the
search was performed.
View the registered owner(s) of a property by clicking on the +
beside Title Information to expand this section. The name(s) on title
are displayed, and you have the choice to import these people on the file by
selecting the appropriate option beside each name (Add as Registered Owner,
Match Existing Name on File, etc.); to exclude a name, select Exclude from
the dropdown. After making your selections, click on Import Owner
Information to bring them into your file.
Expand this section by clicking on the + beside Property
Information. In this section, you can choose which information you bring in
from the search. You can make this the Primary Property or Append as a New
Property by making the appropriate selection on the left. The Legal Description
is displayed in the large box on the right. Below, you can choose to import the
property’s address and/or import as the Vendor’s address for service. After
making your selection, select Import Property Information.
Note: You can
always come back to this screen to perform these or any other imports at any
The registration list displays each instrument by number. Select which items you want to bring into your RealtiWeb file by using the check boxes after each item. After you’ve
selected the items, click on the Import Registrations/Liens/Charges button.

Note: RealtiWeb remembers which items you’ve already imported and
automatically only selects previously non-imported items in your subsequent
searches for the same PID.
Buying Documents
You can now Buy
Documents directly from this screen by clicking on the blue link below the Instrument
#. After the document is purchased, this link will be changed to View
PDF (you may need to click on a blue Refresh link after purchasing
to get the View PDF option).
Note: To buy
documents or plans without doing a complete title search, go to the Docs/Plans tab to purchase documents by Instrument #.
Legal Notations & Pending
You can
import Legal Notations into your file the same way you import
information from the Registrations section of the search results. If there are
any Pending Applications on this PID, they will automatically be
displayed below the search results.
Note: You can
always search for pending applications by going directly to the Pending App tab.
Other Types of Searches
Plan Searches
If you are working with a
strata property, you can search for Registrations, Liens, or Charges by Strata
Plan #. Just like with Title Searches, you can purchase documents and import
these items into your RealtiWeb file.
A search by PID on the Parcel Info tab returns the Legal
Description of a property.
The Pend App tab
displays any Pending Applications at the time of your search on your selected
and Plans
Use the Docs/Plans tab to purchase and view PDFs by
searching directly by Instrument # or Plan #.
of Title Certificate (STC)
On the STC tab,
complete all the required fields, including the Title No. (as displayed
in the screen image to the right), to order a State of Title Certificate.
This returns a PDF file.