Duplicate a File

Duplicate a File

To duplicate a file, perform the following steps:
  1. Using the search function at the top of the file list, find the file you wish to copy.
  2. Hover over your file to see the ellipsis on the right side of the screen. Click the ellipsis and select Duplicate.
  3. On the pop-up window, select the information you wish to copy to your new file. 
  4. Select how you would like the Buyer and Seller to be added to the file.
  5. After you are happy with what is being copied click Copy to New File.
  6. The popup will close after clicking Copy to New File and the page will load the new file creation page.
  7. Once the file creation screen loads, fill in the relevant fields and press the Create File button to finish creating the file.
Note: You are unable to copy both the Purchaser and Vendor as Purchasers (or Vendors).

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