Customizing Management Reports
Every firm has its own unique processes, and it's own way of reporting. This is why LDD lets you customize our web-based applications to fit your firm's needs. We offer several standard reports that can be customized to fit your firm's needs or create your own reports. This article explains how to customize a report, for how to generate a report see this article.
Report Customization
The report function is accessed inside LDD applications by clicking Reports under Billing and Reports in the Settings menu. The screen will load showing the list of reports (either standard or customized by your firm).
Clicking on a report will load the selected report's settings underneath the list. These settings combine the data to be shown in the report with the various conditions (or filtering) of the data. The setting options include:
- Field - Each Field is a column in the report, and represents a piece of data from your file.
- Criteria - Sets the conditions (or filtering) of the files to be included in the report.
- Sort Order - Sets the order of how the files are displayed. For example, entering "1" means the generated report will use that column to order the report from ascending (or descending) order.
- Show - The checkbox identifies if the field (or column) will be displayed. Unchecking this, may be useful to have the report sorted or conditioned by the data. For example, a custom field could be used to identify specific files.
To add more fields (or columns to the report), click the selection button beside the empty field. This will open a popup with all the possible fields you can add to your report. Alternatively, you can use the selection button beside an existing column to change it. Or, to remove an existing column, right-click it and click Remove Column.
If there's a field that when added into a report as a column should have a different name, type the preferred column heading in the field. This will update the column heading in the report.
If you want to only include certain files based on one of your fields, you can use the Criteria dropdown to select a condition. This essentially is filtering the files that will appear in the report. After selecting a condition, you will see new fields to the right of the Criteria. These fields are used by the system to determine what should be brought into the report.
The report function assumes all conditions use "AND". In order to see all files with final closings and interim closings in a certain time, two separate reports must be run. One report that shows "Closing Date", and the other showing "Interim Closing Date".
In case you want the report to be in a specific order, you can change the order in three ways.
Click the heading of the column you want to sort by, after generating the report (press the GO button to do so).
Type in an order in the Sort Order column (beside the Show checkboxes).
Right-clicking the Field and selecting Move Column Up or Move Column Down
Note: Applicable options are in black font and are clickable.
After you have finished modifying the report, click the Save icon (at the top of the page) to save your changes.
If you want this to be a new report click Create. This will open a text field underneath the Create button for the new report’s name/title. Click “OK”, after you have entered a report name. The report will be available the next time you login.
Note: You cannot save changes to a Standard Report. To keep your changes, click Create, enter a report name, and click “OK”. The report with your changes will now be saved.
Alternatively, you can click Duplicate and then Save.
Billing, Accounting Integrations, Admin Functions & Reports
File Creation, Document Creation, and other general topics
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Province-specific information for ON clients
Province-specific information for NS clients
Province-specific information for SK clients
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