Common Conditions, Counts & Operators

Common Conditions, Counts & Operators

When customizing documents, you will frequently need to use conditions, counts and operators to structure the way the document content is generated.

Below are frequently used conditions, counts and operators that you may find useful when customizing your own documents.  

Common Conditions

Conditions are in alphabetical order.  If the condition refers to an ‘individual’ mortgage, transferor, or other item, then it will only work in a looped document or clause.  Other counts refer to all of transferors, all new mortgages etc, then the document or clause does not need to be looped.



Clause applicable only on Purchase File


Clause applicable only on a Mortgage File


Clause applicable only on a Sale File

Balance owing from Client on Account

Clause will populate if there is a balance owing from client on account

Condominium (yes)

Condominium (no)

Clause will populate either on condo yes or condo no

Individual Transferor is Corporation

As this is an Individual condition it can only be used in either a doc or clause that is looped on Transferors.

If the individual transferor is a corporation, clause will loop

Transferor not corporation

Clause will populate if the transferor is not a corporation




equal to

[count or field] = 1

Count is equal to 1


Not equal to


Greater than > numerical value

[count or field] > 1

Count is greater than 1


Greater than or equal to

[count or field] >= 1

Count is greater than or equal to 1


Less than < numerical value

[count or field] < 1

Count is less than 1


both conditions need to be applicable

[mortgage new condition] and [purchase condition]

Clause will populate when it is a purchase file with a new mortgage


Either one of the conditions could be applicable

[sale] or [purchase]

Clause will populate if the file is a Sale or Purchase file


A selected field contains the following letters

[Name of Municipality field] contains ‘Toronto

Clause will populate if the name of the municipality contains the letters ‘Toronto’.  


If the opposite of the condition within brackets is true, the clause will not populate

Not (mortgage new)

Clause will not populate if there are new mortgages on the file

Common Counts

Counts are in alphabetical order.



Deposits >=1

Deposits are greater than or equal to 1

Mortgages Discharge

Mortgages Discharge=0

Mortgages to be discharged are equal to 0

Mortgages New

Mortgages New >0

Mortgages to be discharged are greater than 0

Purchasers - Corporations

Purchasers - Individuals

Purchasers - Corporations <1

Purchasers that are corporations are less than 1

Transferees (Corporations)

Transferees (Not Corporation)

Transferees (Corporation)=0

Transferees that are corporations are equal to 0

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