Adding Support Staff in RealtiWeb

Adding Support Staff in RealtiWeb

You can add clerks and other staff to your account any time from within a RealtiWeb file. These are referred to as firm contacts.
  1. Open a file and find Firm Contact on the Basic screen.
  2. Click on the selection icon beside the field to open a window.
  3. Click on the blue + Add link near the top of the window.
  4. Enter the individual's information.
  5. Add Email using the Contact Method underneath Miscellaneous Contact Information. Click the selection icon to select the type of contact method (i.e. email). Then enter the information in the next field.
  6. Click on the Update List button.
  7. To add another, click on the Select Another button to return to the original view in the window.
The staff member(s) are now saved and is available in all RealtiWeb files.

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