Adding, Modifying & Removing Users

Adding, Modifying & Removing Users

You need administrative rights to add users.

After you login to LDD from, under the Account Admin option on the application selection screen:
  1. Click on User Management.
  2. Click on the + User button at the top of the list of users to start adding a new user.
  3. Fill in First and Last Name, Username, Email Address, User Type, Role and Password fields. Optionally, you can force the user to reset their password upon login by checking Force Password Change.
  4. Click on Create User to finish adding the user.
Note: The system will not notify the user of their user credentials, instead the creator of the user is required to notify the person.

Realti offers other optional settings if you choose to further refine user access. After creating the user, click the user in the list of all users on your account. This will open a screen to switch the User Type and Role, along with additional options.
  1. User Type sets if the person has administrative rights (if set to "Administrator"; for regular user rights, set to "Basic")
  2. Expiry Date sets an expiry date for the user’s password. This is useful when granting temporary access to a worker
  3. Force Password Change makes the user change their password the next time they log in 
  4. Lock User locks the user’s account (without deleting it). Useful for the temporary suspension of a user
  5. Reset Password to change the person's user password, if needed
  6. Login using your Microsoft Account provides the option to sign in using a Microsoft Account
The Basic user type and Administrator user types have the following differences:

  Basic User Type
  Administrator User Type
  Where User Rights allow:
  1. Login
  2. Access files
  3. Create New files, Delete files, Change Existing files
  4. Change Firm Documents and Templates (as allowed)
  5. Generate Management Reports
  6. Create Custom Fields
  7. Modify File List Preferences and Calendar Preferences
  8. Create/Modify ClientConnect settings/Templates
  9. Access to Billing Statements
  Where User Rights allow:
  1. Log In
  2. all items under Basic User
  3. Add new users and lawyers/notaries to the account
  4. Remove/Modify existing users and lawyers/notaries in the account
  5. Exclusive modification to Master Documents allowed (if option to limit access selected)
  6. Modify Firm Information
  7. 3rd Party Account Information (where applicable)
  8. Trust Account Information, Account to Client and Trust Statement defaults
  9. Document Options

For additional refining of user access, click Rights along the top of Account Access. This opens a screen with a list of options that will restrict the person's user access within the applications active on your LDD account.

If you want to remove a user account, click the name of the user, then the three-dots across the top of the User Profile screen, and then Delete User.
Note: Removing or deleting a user account is different than locking an account. Deleting removes the user account permanently, while locking blocks the user from signing in. Locking an account is advisable for when a user is absent for an extended period of time but is expected to return, e.g., summer students, maternity/paternity leave, etc. This keeps your firm account safe, and upon return of the user, saves you time with adding the user’s information again.

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